The TEN-E policy supports cross-border projects to link member states’ energy networks and support the integration of ...
Find out how what the EU is doing to manage space traffic in order to ensure the safe, sustainable, and secure use of space ...
The EU is working towards a sustainable, circular and European battery value chain. New common rules will give the EU competitive edge in sustainable battery markets.
Find out how the EU promotes sustainable farming practices to protect the environment and human health while improving the food sector’s resilience.
Noorwegen en de Verenigde Staten waren in 2023 de grootste gasleveranciers. Noorwegen leverde bijna 30% van alle gasinvoer.
Os preços da energia na UE atingiram níveis recorde em 2022. O aumento, associado à subida dos preços grossistas da energia a ...
Die Energiepreise in der EU haben 2022 ein Rekordniveau erreicht. Der Anstieg hängt mit dem weltweiten Anstieg der ...
Este é o sítio Web oficial do Conselho da UE e do Conselho Europeu. É gerido pelo Secretariado-Geral do Conselho, responsável ...
A UE está a trabalhar no sentido de uma cadeia de valor europeia, sustentável e circular das baterias. Novas regras comuns ...
De EU werkt aan een duurzame en circulaire Europese waardeketen voor batterijen. Daarom komt ze met nieuwe gemeenschappelijke ...
Die EU strebt eine nachhaltige, kreislauforientierte europäische Wertschöpfungskette für Batterien an. Neue gemeinsame ...
La Norvège et les États-Unis ont été les principaux fournisseurs de gaz en 2023. La Norvège a fourni près de 30 % de la ...