Money doesn't change people. It makes them more of what they are. The messaging behind this saying has extra meaning in a ...
With over 30 years of fielding listener calls and cultivating a devoted audience, Dave Ramsey has become one of the rare ...
Sometimes, bad financial decisions can come from the best intentions. Someone called into the Dave Ramsey show saying that ...
Tragedies can be blessings in disguise, even when they don't much feel like it at the time. In today's draw from the YouTube ...
Often on people's minds, no matter their age, is the importance of saving for retirement and anticipating the role Social ...
Dave Ramsey hasn't been one to mince words. He gets direct in conversations with his listeners when the situation calls for ...
Ramsey let him in on a little secret. Middle class indicator. Ramsey’s advice was simple: say no to the second car. As for ...
Last year on "The Ramsey Show," a caller named Casey from Amarillo, Texas, picked up the phone and did what most Americans ...
Many people encounter financial setbacks on the path to their long-term goals. Accidents happen, and some expenses are higher ...
Key Points Dave Ramsey says you should take  Social Security at 62. He believes you should claim ASAP and invest the money.
Financial expert Dave Ramsey has long advocated that $1 million is enough to retire comfortably — provided it's invested ...