Investors now turn their focus to key labour market data, with the February jobs report due on Friday, which could offer ...
Shares of Southwest Airlines Co. LUV rallied 1.54% to $30.27 Monday, on what proved to be an all-around mixed trading session ...
Once a company that touted its “fun-luving” attitude and ability to avoid mass layoffs, Southwest (LUV) is now making changes it “once ...
That lags the S&P 500, which gained 15 percent during ... And while costs went up for many airlines during that same period, Southwest’s have outpaced the increases of its competitors.
Stock futures moved higher as investors readied for corporate earnings in a shortened trading week; Intel shares advanced on ...
Southwest Airlines Co. operates as a passenger airline company that provides scheduled air transportation services in the United States and near-international markets. As of December 31 ...
Southwest Airlines Co. ceded further ground to activist ... while the US Global JETS exchange-traded fund JETS has gained 28% and the S&P 500 SPX has gained 22%.