We know that it means the children of former slaves are citizens. That was its stated purpose and the plain language of the ...
This resulted in widely varying state practices, which James Madison in The Federalist No. 42 called a ... Congress cannot take away citizenship granted by the Constitution under Section ...
Although the Supreme Court is right to consider whether the 14th Amendment established a colorblind Constitution ... citizenship. John Bingham authored these three provisions, and there is no ...
The answer, unfortunately, is “yes” — under the current understanding of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution ... think we need a dual approach to end birthright citizenship for the ...
In practical terms, Donald Trump's attempt to nullify birthright citizenship by executive decree ... allegiance to their several tribes," that no longer applies. "The amendment, in clear words ...
South Korea's Nationality Act states that a child of a citizen obtains citizenship at birth, and the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution ... Dual citizens at birth are usually allowed ...