Snowmelt, the single biggest predictor of the river's spring flood risk, won't play a big role this year as there wasn't much snow to begin with across the river basin.
A Wisconsin crop farmer says transportation issues have been one of his biggest concerns this year. “Living in west-central ...
The official notice of her firing incorrectly listed her as working in Indianapolis, nowhere near the U.S. Geological Survey ...
(John Doman / Pioneer Press) Wondering how long the Mississippi River is? Or how much water ... on the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin. All that water has to go somewhere. It eventually finds ...
The Great River Road in Wisconsin is one of the most scenic portions of the entire trip down the Great River Road.
Mayors of cities and towns along the Mississippi River are lobbying Congress for help to decrease flood risks.
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WKBT) – The Wisconsin DNR will discuss the disposal of dredged material from the Mississippi River. The meeting will take place at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Black River Beach ...