It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
Measures include speeding up the construction of new energy infrastructure with targeted reforms to support planning ...
In line with its 2030 ambition to decarbonise the hydrogen used in its European refineries, TotalEnergies has signed agreements with Air Liquide to develop two projects in the Netherlands, for the ...
JSE-listed Anglo American Platinum and South Africa-linked AP Ventures are supporting the next vital steps towards the ...
Visakhapatnam: NTPC Green Energy Limited is foraying into green energy in a big way. The work on the 1.84 lakh crore green ...
Vijayawada: Energy minister Gottipati Ravikumar has set a target to export about 3,000 tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030 and ...
A renewed plan by the Indonesian government to turn coal into gas or liquid fuel forms has received mounting backlash from ...
Southwire, LLC (Carrollton, Ga.), a leading North American manufacturer of wire and cable, will tap Plug Power Inc. (Latham, N.Y.) to implement a clean ...
In a key step towards green energy, Group Surya has secured a Rs 102 crore contract for a Solar-Hydrogen BESS-based microgrid at Chushul, Ladakh. This project, in partnership with NTPC, the Indian ...
Two major players in the hydrogen industry are making significant moves to bolster the global hydrogen economy. Hyundai Motor Company is building a new hydrogen ...
Gov. Mark Gordon has vetoed an attempt by the Wyoming Legislature to defund his $152 million Energy Matching Funds program.
Elcogen AS (Talinn, Estonia) announced the official launch of the Horizon Europe SYRIUS project following a successful kick-off meeting hosted by ...