“President Trump approaches diplomacy and engages in a very transactional manner, with economics as the foundation and ...
Every time I read that the strategy of the Trump team is “shock and awe” — a rapid, massive, multifront takeover of the U.S.
In 1965, about 3,500 U.S. Marines landed in Da Nang, South Vietnam. It was the first deployment of a large U.S. ground combat ...
Here’s a look at the life of Michael Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Personal Birth date: March 17, 1945 Birth place: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Birth name: Michael Vincent ...
Here’s why Air Force One takes so long to build. From the outside, the president’s plane doesn’t look all that different from ...
The thrust of Trump’s speech was, of course, to glorify himself, to claim sanctification bestowed on him by God when he ...
Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad: The Washington Post on Guantanamo Bay Since President George W. Bush opened the facility in 2002, at the height of the “ war on terror ...
Presidential limousines give years of faithful service to the chief executives who ride in them. But what happens to them ...
The United States has been carrying out operations in Somalia since at least 2002 without a formal war declaration.
Continental defenses that can provide perfect—or even near-perfect—protection for the US homeland are not feasible. New ...
For the second installment of ‘Creative Alcoves’ with Habitat, Armand Da Silva shares an exclusive look into the influences behind his curatorial vision.
But that’s not true of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama ... the vice-chief of the Air Force, and the top officer of the Navy — all with no apparent cause. On the global front ...