From 'ghost wolves' to Jack Johnson, Galveston has plenty of options after local residents recently got the idea to name an ...
Ron Rozelle’s debut novel, "The Windows of Heaven," is back on shelves in a special 25th-anniversary hardcover edition, ...
As Jacob Passy of the Wall Street Journal reports, Galveston has become a key port and destination for the whole cruise ...
The Battleship Texas still has a long road ahead after last week's vote to berth it at the Port of Galveston's Pier 15, but ...
The USS Texas secures a permanent berth at Pier 15 in Galveston, foreseeing a future of tourism and education.
Now that Battleship Texas will finally dock in Galveston after years of negotiations, its former home at the San Jacinto ...
Trying to plan your next vacation and have major sticker shock? Scroll to find out some affordable spring break trips for ...
Photographer and storyteller Jefferson Graham captures the sights and sounds of Galveston, Texas. Go along for the journey in this week's episode of "Photowalks." ...
The historic 1870 church stands as a testament to the congregation's roots, while the 1890 church is still in use. Both structures are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The cruise-ship industry is embracing a destination that might surprise you: Galveston, Texas. This island city of 53,000 people on the Gulf Coast may not be synonymous with luxury travel ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has reopened its 1890 Scholars Program to students at 19 historically black colleges and universities. This includes North Carolina A&T State University.