(法新社华盛顿18日电) 美国候任总统川普今天表示,他打算于发表就职演说之后「立刻」开始签署一批行政命令,数量将创下纪录。
Built in just days as Covid-19 cases spiked in Wuhan in early 2020, the Huoshenshan Hospital was once celebrated as a symbol of the Chinese city's fight against the virus that first emerged there.
(法新社华盛顿18日电) 美国总统当选人川普即将于20日重返白宫,数万名示威者今天在美国华府街头游行示威,抗议这位亿万富豪和他所属共和党的各项政策。 「人民大游行」(People's March)是由多个民权和社会正义团体共同筹办,包括2017年川普首次就职典礼过后吸引数十万人至华府力挺的「女性大游行」(Women's March)幕后团队。
Like many other young people, Amelie feels that the Covid-19 pandemic -- and its procession of lockdowns and restrictions -- marked a "turning point" for her mental health.
A fringe anti-vaccine movement took advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to bring conspiracy theories to a much wider audience, ...