The Indo-Pacific region is becoming increasingly crucial for several strategic, economic, and geopolitical reasons. Strategic affairs expert, Sushant Sareen says the Indo-Pacific players need to be ...
Faced with mounting doubts over Washington’s reliability, U.S. allies in the Indo-Pacific may start charting their own course ...
Shri Sanjay Seth and Mr. Andrius Kubilius deliberated on expanding European defence companies’ participation in India’s joint ...
India and the European Union (EU) agreed to work on a significant security and defence partnership, emphasizing a free and ...
A spate of drills by China’s military in the Indo-Pacific is testing the Trump administration’s commitment to regional ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the European Union's membership in the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative and emphasized ...
China is flexing its military muscle in the region to show that it will not wait for the Trump administration to decide how ...
Japan Engineer District (USACE JED) plays a crucial role in strengthening the United States’ strategic presence in ...
The USS Tripoli will replace the USS America as the US's forward-deployed big deck amphibious ship in the Indo-Pacific and it ...
The 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade (5th SFAB) plays a pivotal role in enhancing medical capabilities across the ...
With a newly elected Congress, there is an opportunity to reinforce the US focus on the Indo-Pacific. As geopolitical dynamics in the region continue to ...
A longstanding U.S. policy of strategic ambiguity toward Taiwan has—under Trump—begun to breed anxious uncertainty.