Michael Flatley chystá na rok 2026 veľkolepé turné Lord of the Dance mapujúce 30 rokov tejto slávnej írskej tanečnej skupiny ...
Do videoklipu, ktorého príbeh zavedie diváka na svadobnú hostinu a noc po nej obsadil známeho herca a speváka Adama Mišíka, modelku a tanečnicu Annu Riebauerovú, u nás známu aj z programu Let's Dance.
28.2. 0:00 Po úspechu seriálov Dotyk života či Čas nádejí vyvstávajú otázky o budúcnosti oboch projektov.
Česká folková skupina Neřež je stále jedným z najzaujímavejších fenoménov na českej hudobnej scéne. Skupina sa od svojho ...
Spraví krásne gesto! Relácia Vezmeš si ma? bude v sobotu na obraze s ďalším príbehom lásky. Mladá dvojnásobná matka Barbora ...
dance/mix show airplay the week’s most popular songs ranked by radio airplay detections on dance-formatted stations and mix show plays on mainstream top 40 and select rhythmic stations that have ...
Experience ranged from none to 56 years of dance training. The group was reassured that researchers “would not really be watching” and would be “mostly focused on the data” during the ...
In this series of short films for primary schools the judges and dance crews from CBBC's Alesha's Street Dance Stars teach pupils some of their street dance moves. Exploring the art of street ...
Let's Move is presented by Justin Fletcher and Cat Sandion (and guest presenters) and provides off-the-shelf dance resources for KS1 suitable for Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. The units below ...
February 12, 2025 • Alvin Ailey's seminal Revelations is considered the most widely viewed modern dance work in the world. Lost songs from the 1960 premiere are featured in a new work and an ...
A 20-minute dance a day will keep NHS doctors at bay, US study finds Jigging around in your kitchen to music is equivalent of a gym session or a jog of the same length, scientists say Save ...
The UK's official biggest dance songs of the week, based on sales of downloads, CDs, vinyl and other physical formats, across a seven day period. Compiled by the Official Charts Company.