Latino Bar and Grill in La Crosse closes after liquor license revoked over underage drinking. Owners to focus on food and non ...
"It was an absolute boom," former Rush-Henrietta coach Craig Chamberlain said. "The sport had a lot of popularity and girls ...
Mildred 'Billie' March receives a Gold Star Pin for her father's WWII service. Her father, Joseph Schuster, was a U.S. Army ...
From humble beginnings in 1995, to the expansive competition of the present, girls lacrosse has been one of Section V's best ...
As it pushes to implement a plan to end birthright citizenship, the Trump administration is counting on an argument about out-of-control federal judges to prove irresistible to some ...
President Donald Trump’s administration asked the Supreme Court in a series of emergency appeals Thursday to allow him to ...
A third appellate court has upheld a block on President Donald Trump’s executive order limiting birthright citizenship. The ...
An appeals court last week also declined the Trump administration’s request to partially revive the president’s executive order restricting birthright citizenship. The 14th Amendment ...
Ultimately a “civil” war with more than 750,000 dead Americans of all colors settled the question, at least until today, when 14th Amendment “birthright citizenship” enshrined that right ...
Then came President Trump’s attempt to end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented migrants. Two prominent law professors have taken Trump’s side, contending in a New York ...
Speaking of which, the cast of Suits LA is made up of quite a few memorable faces, many of whom you’re bound to recognize from other beloved shows. And as an added bonus, there’s even an OG ...
Our political class is aflame, and our lawyer-ocracy is up in arms over President Trump’s executive order limiting the scope of “birthright” (or “soil-based”) citizenship to children of ...