An ambush comedian who heckled Alec Baldwin while dressed as President Donald Trump, provoking death threats from the actor, said the cameras missed one of the most unexpected parts of the encounter.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) participated in a World Health Organization (WHO) flu vaccine meeting this week, seemingly bypassing President Donald Trump’s executive orders banning communication with the global health body.
In recent court filings, USAID's Acting Deputy Administrator Peter Marocco said a blanket funding freeze — and blanket layoffs — were the only way to ensure U.S. President Donald Trump's 90-day review of foreign aid.
Alec Baldwin threateend to break the neck of a comedian that confronted him while impersonating President Donald Trump.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it would join a conference hosted by the World Health Organization in apparent defiance of President Donald Trump's executive order.
Few health-policy experts were surprised when US President Donald Trump last month announced that he would pull the United States out of the World Health Organization (WHO). Nor were many shocked when,
Alec Baldwin confronted a troll dressed as Donald Trump who provoked him in a new video posted on Twitter. Watch the ordeal go down.
Hilaria Baldwin's standing by her man -- after a Trump impersonator tried to get under Alec's skin, it's Hilaria who chased the guy down the street ... according to the
The move comes after President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization after taking office earlier this year.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it would join a conference hosted by the World Health Organization in apparent defiance of President Donald Trump's executive order.
The United States has not moved to quit the Americas branch of the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), despite its wider pullback from global health. President Donald Trump started the 12-month withdrawal process for the U.
The US withdrawal will not officially happen until January 2026, so there will be months of uncertainty over budgets and strategic direction at the near-80-year-old agency. Set up by the United Nations, the organization’s goals include expanding universal health coverage and coordinating the world’s response to health emergencies.