Yesterday, Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics (Reform Party) took part in the European Union's Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg, LETA was informed by the Foreign Ministry's Press and Information ...
The internet shop, which started its activities in Lithuania two months ago (in November 2008), plans to reach a turnover of 10 million litas (2.87 million euros) in 2009. In 2008, the company ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
In the middle of October, Lithuania's Company Vilkyskiu Pienine will start to sell out the products marked by special export sign Vilvi, which were intended for Russia in Lithuania, informs LETA/ELTA.
The publishing house Dienas mediji editor in chief Nellija Locmele and the editor in chief of the newspaper Diena Anita Brauna have submitted their resignations and left the newspaper, LETA was ...
Fourteen Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian companies were included on the list of 500 largest Central and Eastern European enterprises, and only two companies ranked in the top 100, the Financial Times ...
Riga Central District Court today ruled the basketball club "ASK Riga" insolvent. The basketball club was ruled insolvent as of April 24, as Kaspars Sadauskis, aide to the court's chairperson, ...
Representatives of environmental organizations and the society argue that Lithuania should speak out clearly against the construction of nuclear power plant in Astraviec, Belarus. According to them, ...
The most expensive car, sold in Lithuania in 2013, is a Bentley Mulsanne sedane, which costs 776,000 litas, reports LETA, referring to the business news portal Verslo Zinious. The second most ...
Majority of analysts, interviewed by Estonian business daily Äripäev, noted that current financial crisis in the US has hit Estonia at the worst possible moment, the Baltic Business News Channel ...
Estonia has completed the decade-long clean-up of one of Europe's most hazardous radioactive waste dumps on the Baltic coast, an official in charge of the operation said Monday. "It is completely safe ...