Poland and the Baltic states have said they are planning to leave the Ottawa Convention, dealing a blow to the international ...
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland cite the Russo-Ukranian War and Russian aggression in general as a valid reason to ...
Against the backdrop of Russia's three-year war in Ukraine, Poland and the Baltics are preparing to exit the Ottawa Treaty, ...
Poland is ready to start work on resuming the production of anti-personnel mines, its defence minister said on Thursday, ...
Poland is stepping up defenses with the Baltic states ahead of possible Russian aggression as the war with Ukraine ...
The quartet bordering Russia proposed withdrawing from the Ottawa treaty, but add they have no plans to use landmines.
In a joint statement, the defence ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland said that since signing the Ottawa ...
Four European NATO members announced on Tuesday they will withdraw from the Mine Ban Treaty, marking the first time any ...
But the ministers of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia argue that the security situation along NATO’s eastern flank has ...
NATO members Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia plan to withdraw from the Ottawa convention banning anti-personnel ...
Poland and the three Baltic nations say they want to withdraw from an international convention that bans antipersonnel land mines due to the growing threat from Russia to front-line NATO states.
Poland and the Baltic states have said they are planning to leave the Ottawa Convention, dealing a blow to the international treaty banning antipersonnel land mines ...