Runestad's larger-than-expected margin of victory pointed to the lingering power of the anti-establishment wing of the ...
Sen. Jim Runestad was voted in at the MIGOP convention last weekend. He says there’s work to be done building bridges between ...
Runestad has also been disengaged from the internal fights that have deeply divided state Republicans since the 2010s, when ...
Democratic U.S. Sen. Gary Peters recently shocked the political world when he announced he is not seeking reelection, opening ...
Saturday marked the third convention in two years at which delegates have rejected a Donald Trump endorsement at a Michigan ...
Michigan Republican Rep. Josh Schriver announces plans for a House resolution, calling on the Supreme Court to overturn ...
The Democrat and Republican parties of Michigan have elected new party leadership, turning their sights to the 2026 midterm ...
Michigan state Senator Jim Runestad won the race for Michigan Republican Party Chair, beating the candidate endorsed by ...
Michigan Republicans and Democrats have each elected a new chair who will lead their respective parties into the 2026 ...
Jim Runestad is the party’s new state chairman ... there was a “seamless operation” between the Michigan Republican Party and Trump’s team. “They provided us with everything that we ...